first-order logic

英 [fɜːst ˈɔːdə(r) ˈlɒdʒɪk] 美 [fɜːrst ˈɔːrdər ˈlɑːdʒɪk]

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  1. Continuous first-order logic is an analog of classical first-order logic.
  2. Description logics are fragments of the first-order logic, which contain concepts, roles, and concept and role constructors; and have features of strong expressivity and decidable reasoning.
  3. Although continuous first-order logic was introduced quite recently, it has already been applied to analysis and probability theory.
  4. Implementation of Attack Reconstruction in First-order Logic Model for Security Protocols
  5. In order to analyze the non-repudiation and fairness properties under one frame, a set of first-order logic syntax and semantics for non-repudiation protocols was proposed, and a model was built.
  6. After informal analysis of RDFS type system, this paper defines a suit of facts-rules set according to hierarchical class model, class-instance model and core concept constraint model in RDFS based on first-order logic.
  7. Based on tableau the theories of automated theorem proving in first-order logic are discussed. For proving the soundness and the completeness, the methods of theorem proving using the model existence theorem are presented.
  8. It points out that the truth definition of IF first-order logic is still defined on the second-level in essence and is defined on single model;
  9. Formal language is the depth of first-order logic.
  10. The agent is composed of known knowledge, learning conditions, and learning knowledge, and it has strong extensibility, because it s expressive language is the frame and first-order logic.
  11. When the domain of interpretation is finite and its size is a fixed positive integer, the satisfiability problem in the first-order logic can be reduced to SAT.
  12. Inductive logic programming based on first-order logic has great expressivity, with which features can be represented in an integrated framework.
  13. With the development of artificial intelligence, especially the approach of knowledge-based system, people are more and more clear about the innate limitations of the first-order logic: it's difficult for it to describe and deal with the uncertainty, inconsistency and insufficient of knowledge.
  14. First-order logic is used to formally describe spatial integrity constraints, which places the constraint and rules under a uniform mode.
  15. Automated Theorem Proving Based on Semantic Tableau in First-Order Logic
  16. Based on semantic Web Service and OWL-S specification, a first-order logic Situation Calculus planning method for services composition is introduced.
  17. The elementary first-order temporal logic is a development of modal logic and ordinary temporal logic.
  18. Study on Uncertainty Reasoning in Lattice-Valued First-Order Logic L_ ( vfl) Based on Lattice Implication Algebra
  19. In order to formalize and verify the protocol, BZL logic model is built, which based on first-order logic and introduces many-sorted, dynamic and non-monotony logic.
  20. Research on RDF Model Based on First-Order Logic
  21. Frame connection graph ( FCG) is used to represent the knowledge and then interpreted by using directed graph theory ( DG theory), and finally translated into first-order logic.
  22. Description logic is a formal language for representing knowledge and it is a decidable subset of first-order logic.
  23. We define an extended class of integer linear first-order logic formula, which supports most integer linear and bit-wise expressions in C programs including integer division, integer modular and bit-wise operation.
  24. First, we show that parameterized model-checking problem for existential positive first-order logic on bipartite graphs parameterized by the length of the input sentence has a linear kernelization.
  25. Probabilistic graphical models enable us to efficiently handle uncertainty. First-order logic enables us to compactly represent a wide variety of knowledge. Combining the both in a single representation has been a longstanding goal of AI research.
  26. In this thesis, we study the parameterized complexity of model-checking problems over some fragments of first-order logic ( derived by restricting the boolean connectives and quantifiers we permit) through kernelization. A recent developed machinery named distillation is discussed in this work.
  27. On the basis of first-hand data, this article mostly explore the IF first-order logic from the two aspects of syntax and semantics with the method of modern logic.
  28. This dissertation uses the First-Order Logic to describe the access authority of the agent, which is more flexible and expressive.
  29. Firstly, a formal model of TPM is built using first-order logic language.